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More Powers

One thing we will definitely get as this game moves forward is more power sets. In the meantime, I am going to add a few for our characters.
The character has powers associated with Beasts
Origins: Alien, Magic, Weird Science : Beasts
Effect: The characters Might and Vigilance score caps increase by 6. The character can select the Extreme Appearance trait to take on a monstrous beast-like appearance. If you they do so, they can take an additional trait for free. 

Powers in the set include Crushing Grip, Mighty 1, Mighty 2, Mighty 3, Mighty 4, Nature Sense, Quick Toss, Wallcrawling, and the following powers:

The character has an uncanny ability to detect danger.
Power Set: Beast-Powers
Prerequisites: None
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character has an edge on Initiative rolls and Vigilance (perception) checks. Enemies have trouble on Agility (stealth) checks against the character's Vigilance defense. The character also gains a permanent+2 bonus the their Agility defense. 

Deft Movement
The character moves easily through terrain
Power Set: Beast-Powers
Requirements: None
Action: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: The character ignores difficult terrain when moving.

Fast 1
The character can move quickly
Power Set: Beast-Powers, Super-Speed
Prerequisites: Rank 5
Action: Movement
Effect: The character's Running Speed doubles.

Fast 2
The character is very fast
Power Set: Beast-Powers, Super-Speed
Prerequisites: Fast 1, Rank 10
Action: Movement
Effect: The character's Running Speed is increased equal to twice their rank times their Running Speed. 

Fast 3
The character is really, really fast.
Power Set: Beast-Powers, Super-Speed
Prerequisites: Fast 2, Rank 15
Action: Movement
Effect: Outside of combat, the character's Running Speed is increased to twenty times their Running Speed. 

The character exudes pheromones that affect those nearby.
Power Set: Beast-Powers
Prerequisites: None
Action: Easy
Duration: Sustained
Range: 20 feet
Effect: The character has an edge on Ego (intimidation) checks against people who are not attracted to their gender. The also have an edge on Ego (persuasion) checks against people who are attracted to their gender. 

The character has heightened olfactory abilities.
Power Set: Beast Powers
Prerequisites: Heightened Senses, Rank 5
Action: Easy
Duration: Sustained
Range: 20ft
Effect: the character can track by scent and has an edge on Vigilance (perception) checks. They can also ignore any penalties for darkness or invisibility when making attacks on creatures within range.
Gravity Control
The character can control gravity
Origins: High Tech, Magic, Mutant, Weird Science 
Effect: The characters Resilience and Ego score caps increase by 6, and they add their Ego to their Ranged Damage with Gravity Control powers. Also, they are immune to gravity effects that are not direct attacks. 

Several Gravity Control power have effects which paralyze a target. To break free from this effect, the target (or someone helping them) must succeed at a Might check vs. TN 22. A target can also use its reaction to attempt this immediately after becoming paralyzed.

Powers in the set include Group Flight, Immovable, and the following abilities:

Increase Gravity
The character can increase the effects of gravity on target.
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Rank 5
Action: Standard (attack)
Duration: Instant
Range: 50ft
Effect: The character makes an Ego vs Agility/Might attack against the target. If the attack is a success, the target is paralyzed. If the attack is a fantastic success, the target is also knocked prone.

Crushing Gravity
The character grips an enemy with a damaging force.
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Increase Gravity, Rank 10
Action: Standard (attack)
Duration: Maintained
Range: 50ft
Effect: The character makes an Ego vs Might/Agility attack against the target. If it's a success the enemy takes Ranged physical (bashing) damage and is pinned. The power can be maintained with a standard action, automatically inflicting the same amount of damage.

Gravity Well
The character eminates an aura of particularly high gravity which stops attackers in their tracks.
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Crushing Gravity, Rank 15
Action: Standard
Duration: The character's rank in minutes
Effect: an aura of high gravity extends from the character 15ft in every direction which is considered difficult terrain. Any creature which starts it's turn in or moves into this area is paralyzed.

The character's blows always cause knockback
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Smash, Weightless 1, Rank 10
Action: Standard (attack)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The character makes an Ego vs Might/Agility attack against an enemy. If the attack is a success, the enemy is knocked back up to 5ft per rank. If the attack is a fantastic success, the target also takes Fight damage (bashing) from the blow.

Weightless 1
The character can lift heavy objects.
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: None 
Action: Standard
Duration: Maintained
Effect: The character treats the target as two sizes smaller for picking up and carrying. As long as the power is maintained, the target hovers in place and does not fall. 

Weightless 2
The character can carry a bus. 
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Weightless 1, Rank 5
Action: Standard
Duration: Maintained
Effect: The character treats the target as three sizes smaller for picking up and carrying. As long as the power is maintained, the target hovers in place and does not fall. 

Weightless 3
The character can carry a house.
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Weightless 2, Rank 10
Action: Standard
Duration: Maintained
Effect: The character treats the target as four sizes smaller for picking up and carrying. As long as the power is maintained, the target hovers in place and does not fall. 

Weightless 4
The character can reduce the weight of nearly anything
Power Set: Gravity Control
Prerequisites: Weightless 3, Rank 15
Action: Standard
Duration: Maintained
Effect: The character treats the target as five sizes smaller for picking up and carrying. As long as the power is maintained, the target hovers in place and does not fall. 


The character has phenomenal speed. 
Origins: Alien, God, High Tech, Magic, Mutant, Weird Science 
Effect: The characters Agility score cap increase by 12. The character has an edge on Initiative checks. 

Powers in the set include Augmented Reflexes, Fast Strikes, Chain Strikes, Focused Strikes, Slip Free, and the following powers:

Quick Dodge
The character dodges out of the way.
Power Set: Super-Speed
Prerequisites: None
Action: Reaction
Trigger: An enemy rolls to attack vs. the character's Agility defense.
Duration: Instant
Effect: The enemy has trouble on their attack. If the attack misses, the character can move in any direction at their Run speed.

Fast 1
The character can move quickly
Power Set: Beast-Powers, Super-Speed
Prerequisites: Rank 5
Action: Movement
Effect: The character's Running Speed doubles.

Fast 2
The character is very fast
Power Set: Beast-Powers, Super-Speed
Prerequisites: Fast 1, Rank 10
Action: Movement
Effect: The character's Running Speed is increased equal to twice their rank times their Running Speed. 

Fast 3
The character is really, really fast.
Power Set: Beast-Powers, Super-Speed
Prerequisites: Fast 2, Rank 15
Action: Movement
Effect: Outside of combat, the character's Running Speed is increased to twenty times their Running Speed. 

The character moves so fast he can walk on water
Power Set: Beast-Powers
Requirements: Fast 3, Rank 15
Action: Movement
Duration: Maintained
Effect: The character can move across liquid at their Run speed as if it were solid ground. Failure to maintain this power by not moving will have an immediate effect.

The character can run through the air.
Power Set: Super-Speed
Requirements: Waterwalking, Rank 20
Action: Movement
Duration: Maintained
Effect: The character gains a Fly speed equal to their Run speed, but must end their turn on a surface, or they will begin falling.


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