I have been debating about how to do this. The main thing is deciding whether or not I really want to bother with it. But all of my daemons are currently legal for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar because they share the same base size. So the issue is, with the return of Warhammer: The Old World the bases are really screwy. So let me explain. If I try to transfer over my daemons the oval bases for the most part won't fit on the square bases. In addition to the roughly 25 Bloodletters I also have about 60 Pink Horrors and 9 Flamers. If I rebase any of this stuff, then I won't have access to it in another game. So with these models I am basically restarting from scratch on my Infantry. I have thirty more Pink Horrors and nine more Flamers on the way, so I am simply going to start them on new 30mm bases if I want to use them. If I decide to redo my Khorne daemons, I might honestly - but that's probably down the line. So stuff is going to work a lot better. As illust...
The path back to road was a different one than the way we traveled here. Otto and Dox were very happy to be travelling with me. I even found some tasty herbs for making a tea. We were skirting a bog when shimmering, buzzing, stinging swarm lit on us. We later learned they were called Shimmer Flies. They lay eggs on a host the inhabit - but their shiny carapaces blind their targets. We scattered them and drove them off. We took a little rest and camped near the road. Before we finally made it out of the forest we saw a masked humanoid figure standing in the distance watching us. We neither hailed him, nor attempted to attack, and the figure melded back into the wood. After another night on the road, we reached the inn. We found the caravan and safety of numbers here. It would be nice not to sleep on the ground. Argasto was very generous. He gave us a bonus of twenty gold each for the assistance. We explained all that we knew to him and he said Mal Gergard wa...