One thing we will definitely get as this game moves forward is more power sets. In the meantime, I am going to add a few for our characters. Beast-Powers The character has powers associated with Beasts Origins : Alien, Magic, Weird Science : Beasts Effect : The characters Might and Vigilance score caps increase by 6. The character can select the Extreme Appearance trait to take on a monstrous beast-like appearance. If you they do so, they can take an additional trait for free. Powers in the set include Crushing Grip, Mighty 1, Mighty 2, Mighty 3, Mighty 4, Nature Sense, Quick Toss, Wallcrawling, and the following powers: Alertness The character has an uncanny ability to detect danger. Power Set : Beast-Powers Prerequisites : None Action : None Duration : Permanent Effect : The character has an edge on Initiative rolls and Vigilance (perception) checks. Enemies have trouble on Agility (stealth) checks against the character's Vigilance defense. The character also gains a perm...
Personal Diary of Strom Coldsteel