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Showing posts from July, 2013

A Special Rant

Okay, I don’t do an awful lot of table-top gaming these days. I truly don’t. I have massive well painted armies, a pile of terrain, and honestly enjoy the hobby. But it just seems like whenever I want to head down to the game store, I just don’t take the time to do it. I could make the argument that most of the stores are very hard from my house. I could complain about packing everything up and driving out to get ass-raped by someone who built a really cheesy list is slightly annoying. But then again maybe I am just lazy. One of the weirdest things I have noticed however is all of the little conventions people do at the stores around me. First and foremost I hate small point value games. To play 500pts is the equivalent of taking a very serious chance that your opponent is not a total jerk. When I competed in the Kill Teams at the GW store we were split down the middle with people fielding cheese and not fielding cheese. In a 200pt game you brought a terminator squad? Really...