While Gauntlet seems like my favorite idea lately, I want to run through some other ideas. Basically Gauntlet is a straight up technology guy. He has a battlesuit that works in gravity control. Typical he is a melee character, in old MSH rules he would be slamming people with his gauntlets and flying around. To add another dimension to him is the idea of a gravity control array. So he can increase or decrease the effect of gravity on his opponents or objects in general. Whether it is a single target or an area - that was a cool effect in Mutants and Masterminds where the more features you add in, the greater the power is reduced. Imagine if you will increasing the force of gravity on a weak character to literally crush them into the ground. At the very least immobilize them or reduce their movement. On a strong character, you could apply the opposite effect - levitate them to prevent them from moving. So he basically becomes a controller and affects the movement of other cha...
Personal Diary of Strom Coldsteel