A brief summary for our upcoming escalation league. Sylvaneth Special - Forest Spirits (place 1 of every 2 units in reserve instead of setting up unit on the battlefield, at the end of the movement phasethe unit can arrive wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD and more than 9" away from enemy models), Navigate Realmroots (instead of moving one unit wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD can move to another as above), Places of Power (before armies are set-up, select 1 terrain feature, SYLVANETH units wholly within 6" are immune to battleshock) Summerleaf (aka Winterleaf) Special - unmodified rolls of 6 to hit, inflict 2 hits instead of 1. Does not affect Ylthari's Guardians or Skaeth's Wildhunt. Ylthari (180pts) Move 5" Wounds 5 Bravery 7 Save 5+ Attacks (Melee) Staff 3+/3+/Rend -1/d3, Thorns 3"/4+/4+, Mandibles 4+/4+/Rend -1 Special - Vigor and Wrath (Reroll 1's to wound), Wizard (Cast/Dispel 1, The Reaping , Verdurous Har...
Personal Diary of Strom Coldsteel