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Summer Court

A brief summary for our upcoming escalation league.

Special - Forest Spirits (place 1 of every 2 units in reserve instead of setting up unit on the battlefield, at the end of the movement phasethe unit can arrive wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD and more than 9" away from enemy models), Navigate Realmroots (instead of moving one unit wholly within 6" of an AWAKENED WYLDWOOD can move to another as above), Places of Power (before armies are set-up, select 1 terrain feature, SYLVANETH units wholly within 6" are immune to battleshock)

Summerleaf (aka Winterleaf)
Special - unmodified rolls of 6 to hit, inflict 2 hits instead of 1. Does not affect Ylthari's Guardians or Skaeth's Wildhunt.

Ylthari (180pts)
Move 5" Wounds 5 Bravery 7 Save 5+
Attacks (Melee) Staff 3+/3+/Rend -1/d3, Thorns 3"/4+/4+, Mandibles 4+/4+/Rend -1
Special - Vigor and Wrath (Reroll 1's to wound), Wizard (Cast/Dispel 1, The Reaping, Verdurous Harmony)

Ylthari's Guardians (0pts)
Move 5" Wounds 1 Bravery 6 Save 5+
Attacks (Ranged) Bow 24"/2A/4+/3+/Rend -1, (Melee) Greatblade 4A/3+/3+/Rend -1, Glaive 2A/4+/3+/Rend -1/D2, Bow 4+/3+
Special - Martial Memories (once per phase, reroll dice), Vigor and Wrath (Reroll 1's to wound)

Skaeth's Wild Hunt (120pts)
Move 6" Wounds 1 Bravery 6 Save 5+
Attacks (Ranged) Bow 18"/3+/4+/Rend -1, Javelin 9"/3+/3+/Rend -1/D2, (Melee) Javelin 2"/3+/3+/Rend -1/D2, Hunting Weapon 2A/3+/4+. Teeth and Claws 2A/3+/3+
Special - Skaeth had 2W, Fleet of Foot (run and shoot/charge), Magic (Cast/Dispel 1, Deadly Harvest, Might of Kurnoth)

Forest-Revenants (80pts)
Move 5" Wounds 1 Bravery 6 Save 5+
Attacks (Melee) Blade 2A/4+/3+/Rend -1, Glaive 2A/4+/3+/Rend -1/D2
Special - Scion has Protector Glaive, Standard (pile in 6"), Waypipes (instead of moving, place unit anywhere on the battlefield 9" away from enemy models), Martial Memories (once per phase, reroll dice)

Dryads (100pts)
Move 7" Wounds 1 Bravery 6 Save 5+
Attacks (Melee) 2"/2A/4+/4+
Special - Branch Nymph has 3A, Blessings of the Forest (enemy -1 to hit if wholly within 6" of AWAKENED WYLDWOOD), Enrapturing Song (start of combat phase select one unit within 3", +1 to hit that unit), Impenetrable Thicket (10 or models, +1 save)

Awakened Wyldwood (place one at the start of the battle)
Special - Overgrown Wilderness (models are not visible more than 1"), Roused by Magic (if a spell is cast by a WIZARD wholly within 6", non-SYLVANETH units take D3 mortal wounds on 5+), Wyldwood (at the end of charge phase, units within 1" on a 6+ non-SYLVANETH units suffer D3 mortal wounds)

Deadly Harvest (6+) each enemy unit within 3" takes D3 mortal wounds
Might of Kurnoth (7+) one SYLVANETH unit within 12", +1 to wound until next hero phase.
The Reaping (6+) enemy unit within 12", roll 6 dice mortal wounds 5+
Verdant Blessing (6+) place one AWAKENED WYLDWOOD wholly within 24" and 1" away from enemy models
Verdurous Harvest (7+) return 1 slain model (or D3 Dryad/Forest-Revenants) to friendly unit wholly within 18"


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