Human Ranger Chaotic Good Str 14+1+1= 16 Hit Points 11 Dex 15+1=16 Hit Dice D10 Con 12 AC 16 Int 8 Scale* Wis 13 Disadvantage Cha 10 On Stealth Feat - Brawny (size L carrying capacity) Background - Sailor Class - Favored Foe, Natural Explorer (Artic) Trait - Ship's Passage Languages - Common, Dwarven Skills - Athletics +7, Nature +3, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5, Survival +3 Tools - Navigation Tools, Vehicles (Water) Armor - Light, Medium, Shields Weapons - Simple and Martial Equipment - Scale Mail, two Short Swords, Explorer's Pack, Belaying Pin (club), Belt Pouch, 50ft Silk Rope, Lucky Charm, Set of Common Clothes, Longbow and 20 arrows Coin - 10gp - - ---++...
Personal Diary of Strom Coldsteel