As we began, Bregan our illustrious human ranger was overlooking a goblin camp. Nothing like starting a campaign in the middle of an adventure. He's posted up on a hill stealthily looking down at around twenty five goblin warriors. They are travelling light, just bedrolls, weapons and armor, a mixed band of what seems to be raiders. They are fairly close to the sparse ring of civilization surrounding the southern border of Lendos Berkshire and the country of Goland. We all knew goblins lived south of the mountain range. It is even listed on the big map ( here ), but in general it is a relatively large force for the area. Now as a relatively inexperienced DM but dramatically long time player, I should have expected my player to test me out here. I know better than rushing down the hill and slicing into twenty goblins at first level. Everyone does. D&D Next (I hate the term 5e) looks pretty good for hammering lots of monsters even at low level, but solo and without anyo...
Personal Diary of Strom Coldsteel