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Showing posts from May, 2012


I have been making a lot of personal posts recently. It is my nature to rant. Our Marvel game is postponed this weekend. We are going to take a stab at the D&D Next playtest materials though. I know it isn't a huge deal, right? It's just another version of D&D. If you've followed the developments in the gaming community, every few years they decide to release a new edition. But it's always something we enjoy. Like most consumers it is rarely a need which drives gamers to make a purchase. You are going to fall out dead if you don't head to the store the day Diablo 3 hits the shelves. Most folks just pre-order in advance and get the title as soon as possible. The excitement of having something shiny and new is fun for a while. With D&D Next the thing that has impressed me the most is the build up. This edition isn't coming out for another year (the madness). So what did Wizards do? They issued a playtest. Anyone willing to give them a...


Been wandering around in my head a little today. Not that it wasn't an unproductive day by any means. I have watched some really cool videos, read a little, interacted via Facebook, but still not making any moves. I feel like despite my intentions things are seriously becoming harder and harder for me to stay focused on what I should be doing. There was a time this morning where a little voice from my subconscious asked me what I wanted. For the hundreth time this week, I wanted to scream 'I don't want anything I don't already have!' To me I am pretty comfortable being who I am. Sure I miss my friends, people around me all the time, my darling girl- but none of that is happiness in itself. My battles are internal.
It's pretty weird, that I woke up today thinking about all kinds of stuff. I just haven't been happy at all recently. Kinda shying away from gaming in this post I wanted to take a few minutes to jot down some stuff about heroes. Growing up sure I had my comic books and rock stars, but as I've wandered my path I have always known what was cool. Like I said I was feeling pretty down this morning. I was scrolling through my Netflix selections and found a video on Christian Hosoi. Now I wasn't a huge skateboarder. But so much in the video goes into memories of my youth. Guys like Chris Ogles and Tommy Sherer were fucking superstars to me. One spot in the Hosoi video talked about how he ripped his shirts up all the time. Do you remember the sleeves tees from the 80's. Kids wearing the sleeves ripped off the t-shirts like a headband. I don't know it was just so weird to see that and remember the guys I used to hang around. It is like my friendship w...

All a Twitter

Well, I went on to Twitter today and followed like a hundred people. created a list of geeks everyone should follow. A lot of the names were familiar, but I am really more interested in some of the people I haven't heard of. Knowledge is power (right Ice-T). It has been so hard for me to stay focused on anything. We haven't been playing tabletop or RPG's, I have let all the computer games and forums slip, I keep having friends and family die around, not working, can't write, my girl dumped me on Mother's Day. It is ludicrous. One of these days things are going to get easier. Maybe when the Mayan calender closes out this year, we really will end up in a new world order.