I have been making a lot of personal posts recently. It is my nature to rant. Our Marvel game is postponed this weekend. We are going to take a stab at the D&D Next playtest materials though. I know it isn't a huge deal, right? It's just another version of D&D. If you've followed the developments in the gaming community, every few years they decide to release a new edition. But it's always something we enjoy. Like most consumers it is rarely a need which drives gamers to make a purchase. You are going to fall out dead if you don't head to the store the day Diablo 3 hits the shelves. Most folks just pre-order in advance and get the title as soon as possible. The excitement of having something shiny and new is fun for a while. With D&D Next the thing that has impressed me the most is the build up. This edition isn't coming out for another year (the madness). So what did Wizards do? They issued a playtest. Anyone willing to give them a...
Personal Diary of Strom Coldsteel